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  • REYC | The Warren

    The Racial Equality Youth Collective is a social group with issue based activities and workshops in collaboration with mentoring tools and techniques that guide and inspire young people from black and marginalised communities to overcome barriers to their progression and widen their access to opportunities with knowledge and determination Our main aim is to allow young people of colour in Hull to have a safe space to unlock the true potential of their identity We also aim to Improve equity, social capitol, and the social mobility of the members of the REYC with the ultimate mission of making real changes to policies and systems in the name of racial justice in Hull WHAT IS REYC? RECENT ACTIVITIES AFRICAN & CARIBBEAN COOKING WORKSHOPS I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. AdobeStock_112865290 Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image AdobeStock_112865290 Describe your image 1/4 AdobeStock_328025977 Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image AdobeStock_328025977 Describe your image 1/4 NOTTING HILL CARNIVAL I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy. TESTIMONIALS “I really enjoyed the cooking workshops, actually I loved being a part of a team and learning how to cook my home food.” – REYC Member “It feels like I have a place to go to and feel safe. I can experience things that I know others can relate to with me and I can bounce off other young people who have had issues with racism just like I have.” - REYC Member “I feel like my experience at carnival was needed. It opened up a door I have been locked out of, I feel like I expressed emotions today and it was validated.” – REYC MEMBER “In this group I can say my problems and I can find solutions immediately. I have more power now and I feel more confident because of this group. Without the group I would only be here once a month”. - REYC Member CHRIS KABA PROTEST Chris Kaba was a Black man who was shot by the police in September this year. Our service works closely with those who have been affected negatively by the police and have campaigned for institutions such as the police to do better at keeping everyone safe. Chris could have accessed our service, so we got together and ensured his story was taken to the streets of Hull in support of his family. Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image Add a Title Describe your image 1/4 Going Forward! The Racial Equality Youth Collective will continue in the fight against racism. In 2023 we plan to visit carnival again and continue to collaborate with Love Music Hate Racism as well as other cultural celebrations through out the year Police Youth Charter – working with Humberside Police in ensuring safety and justice for those disproportionately penalised by the police and criminal justice system. Suicide prevention – working with Highways England to incorporate prevention strategies in the whole process of bridge installation and design. This is an issue that affects all, but again people of colour, especially men are struggling even more so. Plugging the gaps in education and bringing representation and youth voice where it matters.


    Willkommen bei Erreichen! im Anhang finden Sie einige häufig gestellte Fragen und Informationen zu Ihrem ersten Termin. Wie geht's? Achieve ist ein maßgeschneidertes Fortschrittsprojekt, das Ihnen helfen soll, dorthin zu gelangen, wo Sie sein möchten. Wir sind ein Projekt der besonderen Art: Sie helfen Ihnen, Ihre Ziele zu finden, Ihr Selbstvertrauen aufzubauen, sich zu qualifizieren und Ihre nächsten Schritte zu finden. Egal, ob Sie ein Studium oder ein Studium aufnehmen, eine Ausbildung oder eine bezahlte Ausbildung absolvieren oder einfach nur ins Berufsleben einsteigen möchten, Achieve ist der richtige Ort für Sie. Wir bieten auch Hilfe beim Verfassen und Verbessern von Lebensläufen, Interviewfähigkeiten und Kurse zum Aufbau Ihrer Fähigkeiten. Wir können Ihnen mit wirklich nützlichen Karriereinformationen und Orientierungshilfen helfen, Ihre nächsten Schritte zu erkennen und Ihr Selbstvertrauen auf dem Weg zu stärken. Außerdem bieten wir jede Menge Spaß und spannende Teambuilding-Aktivitäten, je nachdem, was Sie tun möchten. Achieve ist sich bewusst, dass COVID-19 für Sie stressig sein kann, daher setzen wir uns dafür ein, Ihnen bei der Suche nach einem Arbeitsplatz oder einer Ausbildung so zu helfen, dass Sie der aktuellen Situation entsprechend sicher sind. Derzeit können Sie in diesen schwierigen Zeiten remote mit uns zusammenarbeiten. Wo sind Sie ansässig? Normalerweise befinden wir uns im Stadtzentrum von Hull, direkt gegenüber dem BBC Building und den Queens Gardens Fountains. Unsere Adresse lautet: Das Achieve-Projekt, Das Warren-Zentrum, Queens Dock Kammern, 47-49 Queens Dock Avenue, Rumpf, HU1 3DR. Unser Büro befindet sich im obersten Stockwerk, wenn Sie also die Treppe hinaufgehen, können Sie uns nicht verfehlen. Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation mit CODID-19 arbeiten wir jedoch jetzt remote. Wir können immer noch fast alles tun, was wir normalerweise tun, aber nur auf andere Weise, einschließlich E-Mail-Support, Online-Lernen oder digitale/telefonische Termine, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden! Mit wem arbeitest du? Unsere Finanzierung bedeutet, dass wir jeden unterstützen können, der alle drei dieser Kriterien erfüllt: Sie müssen: 15-29 Jahre alt sein; Wohnen in einer Postleitzahl von Hull (HU1-HU9); und nicht in Beschäftigung, Bildung oder Ausbildung. Muss ich etwas mitbringen? Falls Sie einen Ausweis, wie z. B. einen Reisepass, besitzen, bringen Sie diesen bitte mit. Wenn Sie auch noch einen Brief mit Ihrer Adresse haben (zB vom Leistungsbezug, als Arztbrief, Rechnung oder Bankbrief), wäre das auch sehr hilfreich! Wenn Sie einen Lebenslauf einsehen möchten, senden Sie ihn bitte per E-Mail oder bringen Sie ihn mit. Während der Sperrung bitten wir möglicherweise um eine Kopie oder ein Foto dieses Ausweises per E-Mail. Wir verkaufen oder verwenden Ihre Informationen nicht: Dies dient dazu, zu überprüfen, wer Sie für unsere Finanzierung sind! Was soll ich anziehen? Nicht Krokodile. Aber im Ernst, trage was du willst. Achieve ist informell und unsere Termine sind Chats im Gegensatz zu Vorstellungsgesprächen, also komm in was du normalerweise trägst. Während des Lockdowns können Sie sogar Ihren Pyjama tragen, wenn Sie möchten! Wir werden es nie erfahren… Was ist, wenn ich es nicht schaffe oder weitere Fragen habe? Teilen Sie uns einfach mit, wenn Sie Ihren Termin verschieben müssen. Sie erreichen uns über: Rufen Sie an: 01482 219357 E-Mail: (oder eine E-Mail an Ihren Mitarbeiter) Mobil (Anruf oder SMS): 07455455851. Facebook Messenger: @achieveprojecthull Muss ich in einer Gruppe arbeiten? NÖ. Sie können so arbeiten, wie Sie es für richtig halten: in Gruppen, wenn Sie möchten, einzeln oder nach Belieben. Unser Büro kann voll werden, wenn Sie also zusätzlichen Bedarf haben oder einen ruhigen Termin wünschen, lassen Sie es uns einfach wissen. Wo bekomme ich weitere Informationen? Sie können Updates, Rezensionen und Neuigkeiten auf unserer Facebook-Seite einsehen oder uns hier auf unserer Website finden: Humber Learning Consortium ist der federführende Partner für die Partnerschaft zwischen Springboard Hull und Humber Projekt, das fachliche Unterstützung und Ausbildung für junge Menschen beim Zugang zu Arbeit und Lernen bietet. Dies Die Aktivität wird teilweise von der Europäischen Union über den Europäischen Sozialfonds und die Jugend finanziert Beschäftigungsinitiative und This-Ability im Auftrag des National Lottery Community Fund.


    Wir bieten einen wirklich flexiblen Raum, in dem Sie sich austoben, über die Dinge sprechen, die Sie beschäftigen, sitzen und entspannen, gesehen und gehört werden können. Wenn Sie einen harten Tag haben und jemanden zum Reden brauchen, sind wir für Sie da. Bei Gesprächs- und Gesprächsbedarf können Sie uns spontan erreichen oder einen Termin vereinbaren. Sie können eine einmalige Sitzung haben oder wöchentlich etwas tun oder Sie können vorbeikommen, wenn Sie sich überfordert fühlen und im Moment einfach nur abladen möchten. Wir arbeiten personenzentriert, was bedeutet, dass wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit geben möchten, Ihr Bestes zu sein. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Stärken und Ihre persönliche Identität zu entdecken. Der personenzentrierte Berater wird Ihnen nicht sagen, was zu tun ist. Wir glauben, dass junge Menschen unglaublich einfallsreich sind und in einer sicheren und respektvollen Umgebung diese Ressourcen nutzen können, um ihre Probleme zu erforschen und zu verstehen und positive Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Die Beratung wird von Ihnen geleitet und Sie können zu den Sitzungen alles mitbringen, worüber Sie sprechen möchten. Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Gefühle, Probleme, Verhaltensweisen und Weltanschauung zu erforschen, damit Sie selbstbewusster werden und mehr Unabhängigkeit erlangen. Wenn Sie einen Termin buchen möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter der angegebenen Nummer. Hier sind einige weitere hilfreiche Kontakte, wenn Sie jemanden zum Reden brauchen und wir nicht erreichbar sind:


    Keine Buchung mehr! 16-25 Jahre alt? Besuchen Sie The Snack Bar von Montag bis Freitag zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr. Sie müssen keine Gesichtsbedeckung mehr tragen, können aber dennoch eine tragen, wenn Sie möchten. Bitte respektieren Sie alle jungen Menschen oder Mitarbeiter, die sich dafür entscheiden, weiterhin eine Gesichtsbedeckung zu tragen. Um das Gebäude herum wird weiterhin Händedesinfektionsmittel bereitgestellt. ​ Zwischen 11:00 und 14:30 Uhr werden wir den Jugendlichen Essen und Heißgetränke zu günstigen Preisen servieren. Es wird jedoch nur eine sehr begrenzte Speisekarte verfügbar sein. snack bar snack bar 1/1 Lebensmittelpakete ​ Wir können Lebensmittelpakete für bedürftige Jugendliche bereitstellen. Bitte melde dich vorher bei uns, damit wir prüfen können, ob wir genug Essen für dich haben. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie 01482 218115 anrufen, eine SMS mit der Nummer 07395313640 senden oder uns in den sozialen Medien eine Nachricht senden. ​ Vielen Dank an Fairshare Hull und Humber für die Bereitstellung von Lebensmitteln für junge Leute.


    Willkommen zu unserem kreativen Ansatz auf der Seite zur Unterstützung der psychischen Gesundheit. Hier finden Sie alle Informationen zum Zugang zu unseren Projekten und Angeboten zur Förderung einer positiven psychischen Gesundheit. Also ob Ob Musik oder Kunst, für die Sie sich interessieren, ob Sie Entspannung durch Meditation suchen oder einfach nur jemanden zum Reden brauchen, wir haben eine Option, die zu Ihnen passt. Klicken Sie sich also um und wir sind für Sie da, wenn Sie bereit sind, uns zu kontaktieren. GRUPPEN, denen Sie beitreten können Fotogruppe Gesprochen Wortgruppe Schreibgruppe The Warren hat viele Gruppen, an denen Sie teilnehmen können, um eine positive psychische Gesundheit zu fördern. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol oben, um mehr zu erfahren! IN UNSEREM EIGENEN SCHREIBEN Covid-19 hat uns alle isoliert – und es jedem von uns wirklich schwer gemacht, gehört zu werden. Sie sagen, es ist gut zu reden - es ist noch besser, gehört zu werden. Meist hören wir nur die Stimmen von Politikern und Journalisten. Es ist wichtig, dass wir direkt von den Menschen hören, um zu verstehen, wie sie damit umgehen oder kämpfen und warum oder wie sie versuchen, all dies zu verstehen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir einige unserer jungen Leute beauftragt, eine Reihe von Spoken-Word-Stücken namens In Their Own Write zu erstellen, die erklären, wie es für sie ist. Video abspielen Video abspielen DAYDREAMING - By Jodie Langford at The Warren Youth Project Video abspielen Video abspielen ODE FROM HOME - By Andrew Gooch at The Warren Youth Project Video abspielen Video abspielen DEAR STRANGER - By Stephanie Allen at The Warren Youth Project Video abspielen Video abspielen 24 HOURS - By Jodie Langford at The Warren Youth Project Video abspielen Video abspielen RAMBLINGS OF A LAND IN LOCKDOWN - By Andrew Gooch at The Warren Youth Project Video abspielen Video abspielen LIVE LIFE IN LOCKDOWN - By Stephanie Allen at The Warren Youth Project Video abspielen Video abspielen LITTLE BY LITTLE - By Jodie Langford at The Warren Youth Project Video abspielen Video abspielen A NICER NORMAL - By Andrew Gooch at The Warren Youth Project Three Minute Heroes ist eine Kampagne von The Warren Youth Project, die junge Menschen dabei unterstützt, kreatives Schreiben und Musik zu nutzen, um offen, selbstbewusst und sicher über ihre Gedanken zu sprechen. Three Minute Heroes setzt sich dafür ein, dass junge Menschen gehört werden #hearmeout Im Moment geben Bands und Musiker in unserer Region dem ZWEITEN Three Minute Heroes-Album mit Songs, deren Texte ausschließlich von jungen Leuten im Alter von 14-20 Jahren geschrieben wurden, den letzten Schliff – dieses Album wird weltweit über Warren Records KOSTENLOS für junge Leute veröffentlicht überall, überallhin, allerorts. Das erste Album ist ab sofort zum Anhören erhältlich Hier. Hör zu KUNSTWERKE VON JUNGEN MENSCHEN Haben Sie etwas gesehen, das Sie interessiert? Zögern Sie nicht, uns zu kontaktieren und ein Mitarbeiter wird sich so schnell wie möglich bei Ihnen melden. Wir hoffen bald von dir zu hören. 01482 218115

  • WARREN RECORDS | HULL, ENGLAND | THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT 01482 218115 RESERVIEREN Welcome to our music studio designed exclusively for young people! Our studio offers a creative and safe space for young musicians to explore, experiment, and develop their musical talents. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and instruments, our studio provides opportunities for young people to record their music, collaborate with other musicians, and learn from experienced mentors. Whether you're a singer, songwriter, rapper, or instrumentalist, our studio has everything you need to bring your music to life. Join us and let's make some great music together! After a lot of time, hard work and dedication, we help artists get their music on all major platform's such as Spotify, Soundcloud, Youtube, and many more! ​ Here's the Warren Records Soundcloud page, we use this to post all the music our artist's produce here at our studio's. We also make sure they have their very own pages to promote themselves! Check out some of the song's created by our amazing, talented and dedicated young people! Attention : Due to a high demand for our solo and main studio all future booking will need to go through our music services staff. Enquiries about availability should be directed to or respectively. Alternatively you can call us directly on 01482 218115 and choose option 3 to speak to a member of our team. SCOTT - TIPPS FÜR DIE MUSIKPRODUKTION & MEHR WORKSHOPS SCOTT - TIPPS FÜR DIE MUSIKPRODUKTION & MEHR WORKSHOPS Weitere Workshops folgen in Kürze...


    The Warren of Hull Ltd Safeguarding Adult's Policy and Procedures 1. STATEMENT The Warren takes its responsibility seriously to promote safeguarding within our organisation and with any vulnerable groups that we work with. We aim to safeguard adults by: Ensuring that all of our staff are carefully selected and trained to ensure their awareness of safeguarding issues relating to adults. Having a Safeguarding Adult policy and procedure which is clearly understood, so that any member of staff or trustee has an appreciation of the appropriate guidance to follow, should a concern be raised. Reviewing our Safeguarding Adult policy and procedure annually in order to ensure it is in line with national and local policy. This will be done as part of our ongoing practice of annual reviewing of all policies. Ensuring that dedicated officers are appointed, to hold a specific role in relation to advising The Warren staff and volunteers, whereby advice and a clear course of action can be offered in relation to any safeguarding adult concerns. In the event of the lead officer not being available at the time the issue arises, deputy lead officers will be appointed and will deputise in this role for advice and guidance. If both officers are unavailable, and the situation warrants a swift response, the matter will be referred directly to the relevant local Safeguarding Adult Team. Ensuring that paid staff and volunteers who work closely with vulnerable adults and their carers, develop practice which ensures they know how to report their concerns about a vulnerable adult, staff member or volunteer. This will be achieved by ensuring an appropriate induction is carried out, which will include information on our Safeguarding Adult policies and procedures. 2. POLICY GUIDANCE Additionally, this Safeguarding Adult policy, procedures and guidance should be read and cross referenced in conjunction with the following Warren policies and procedures: Safeguarding Children Confidentiality Health and Safety Discipline and Grievance Whistle blowing Complaints Equal Opportunities Data Protection ‘No Secrets’[1] is the national policy and procedure guidance which strongly influences all local guidance and consequently underpins this The Warren Safeguarding Adult policy and procedure. 3. DEFINING WHO IS AT RISK AND IN WHAT WAY We are committed to ensure that staff, volunteers, trustees and networks are fully informed in regards to defining the parameters surrounding the Safeguarding Adult agenda. 3.1. Which Adults are Vulnerable? All adults are potentially victims of crime or abuse, but not all adults are vulnerable. A vulnerable adult is defined as a person aged 18 years and over: “who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation” The definition outlined above relates to abuse or neglect experienced by vulnerable adults no matter their age or living arrangements and includes those who are in receipt of Social Care arrangements as well as those who are not. Significant harm refers to: “ill treatment (including sexual abuse and forms of ill treatment that are not physical: the impairment of, or an avoidable deterioration in, physical or mental health and the impairment or physical, emotional, social or behavioural development” 3.2. What Constitutes Abuse? “Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons” No Secrets, 2006 (DoH) ​ Department of Health (2006). No Secrets: Guidance on developing and implementing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse. For more information visit: Types of abuse include: physical abuse, including hitting, slapping, punching, burning, pushing, kicking, misuse of medicine, restraint, or inappropriate sanctions sexual abuse, including rape, sexual or indecent assault, inappropriate touching or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not consented, or could not consent or was pressured into consenting psychological abuse, including emotional abuse, belittling, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, name calling and blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks financial or material abuse, including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property neglect and acts of omission , including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services, the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating and leaving in soiled clothes discriminatory abuse, including racist and sexist abuse based on a person’s disability and other forms of harassment Institutional , which usually relates to practices adopted in care settings, including poor care standards, inadequately trained staff, under-resourced facilities, unsupervised staff, where staff work in isolation or have little support from managers, rigid routines and lack of positive responses to complex care needs Abuse may be carried out deliberately or unknowingly and maybe a single act or repeated acts. People who behave abusively come from all backgrounds and walks of life. They may be doctors, nurses, social workers, advocates, staff members, volunteers or others in a position of trust. They may also be relatives, friends, neighbours or people who use the same services as the person experiencing abuse. 3.3. Who May Potential Abusers Be? Vulnerable adult(s) may be abused by a wide range of people including relatives and family members, professional staff, paid care workers, volunteers, other services users, neighbours, friends and associates, people who deliberately exploit vulnerable people and strangers. 3.4. In What Circumstances can Abuse Occur? Abuse can take place in any context. It may occur when a vulnerable adult lives alone or with a relative; it may also occur within nursing, residential or day care settings, in hospitals, custodial situations, support services into people’s own homes, and other places previously assumed safe, or in public places. 3.5. Patterns of Abuse Patterns of abuse and abusing vary and reflect very different dynamics. These include: Serial abusing in which the perpetrator seeks out and ‘grooms’ vulnerable individuals. Sexual abuse usually falls into this pattern as do some forms of financial abuse Long term abuse in the context of an ongoing family relationship such as domestic violence between spouses or generations Opportunistic abuse such as theft occurring because money has been left around Situational abuse which arises because pressures have been built up and/or because of difficult or challenging behaviour; Neglect of a person’s needs because those around him or her are not able to be responsible for their care, for example if the carer has difficulties attributable to such issues as debt, alcohol or mental health problems; Unacceptable ‘treatments’ or programmes which include sanctions or punishment such as withholding of food and drink, seclusion, unnecessary and unauthorised use of control and restraint Failure of agencies to ensure staff receive appropriate guidance on anti-racist and anti-discriminatory practice Failure to access key services such as health care, dentistry, prostheses Misappropriation of benefits and/or use of the persons money by other members of the household Fraud or intimidation in connection with wills, property or other assets. 4. MANAGING THE DISCLOSURE OF ABUSE AND MAKING A REFFERAL The Warren recognises that we have a duty to act on reports, or suspicions of abuse/neglect, including allegations made against paid staff or volunteers. This will be done in conjunction with and guidance from, the relevant Safeguarding Adult Team. This section sets out and offers guidance on how to manage a disclosure and how to make a referral. It presents information on referral routes as provided by the relevant Safeguarding Adult Board and offers up to date information. This will enable The Warren through the process of dealing with allegations, when receiving a disclosure of abuse, gaining consent and making a referral. 4.1. Receiving a Disclosure If organisations working with The Warren are in a position where adults may disclose abuse has occurred or raise concerns that abuse might happen, it is important that they understand the basic principles of managing such a situation.The following procedure is taken from Appendix 1: Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Boards, which as well as offering guidance, acts as an example to those staff members who operate outside of the Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire area. Details of precise referral procedures for each distinct area can be found by contacting your local Safeguarding Children Board. If a disclosure is made, the person receiving the disclosure should: Step 1: Remain calm and non-judgemental Take whatever action is required to ensure the immediate safety or medical welfare of the adult Do not discourage from disclosure Use active listening Remain sympathetic and attentive Give reassurance but do not press for more detail or make promises that cannot be kept Step 2: Clarify main facts, summarising what has been disclosed to you Explain that you cannot keep information about alleged or suspected abuse confidential Remain sensitive Explain that a named safeguarding adults officer must be informed Seek the person’s consent to share this information Offer future support from yourself or others Step 3: Take all reasonable steps to ensure that the adult is in no immediate danger of further harm Make a complete and accurate record of events as soon as possible Record facts not opinions, use person’s own words, record date, time and sign Preserve evidence named safeguarding adults officer or other appropriate manager must be informed as soon as possible Step 4: Relatives of the victim should not be automatically be informed if the victim is able to consent unless they so wish If the victim lacks capacity the decision to share information with family, friends or significant others should be made by relevant manager following consultation with the lead agency i.e. Social Services or Police Informed consent should be obtained but it may be necessary to override this if there are other vulnerable adults at risk i.e. in a residential setting/hospital ward Information must always be shared on a need to know basis It is appropriate for agencies to give assurances of confidentiality where there are concerns of alleged or suspected abuse If the alleged abuser is a family member or friend they should not be contacted at this stage Step 5: The named safeguarding adults officer must, upon receiving information regarding an allegation or suspicions of abuse, check that: The adult’s immediate needs are being met, and that there is no risk of further harm If necessary, medical assistance has been sought The facts and circumstances are clear, but avoid unnecessary discussion with the victim A report has been made to the Police if a criminal offence is selected or alleged Relevant alerter forms can be accessed by contact the local Safeguarding Adults Board 4.2. The Referral Process Action to be taken if someone reports/discloses abuse of a vulnerable adult Ensure the person’s immediate safety and medical welfare Listen, be attentive and sympathetic but do not discourage or press for more detail Clarify and summarise Remain sensitive – don’t make promises that cannot be kept Explain that a Named Safeguarding Adult Officer must be informed – unless they are the alleged abuser Make a complete, factual and accurate record of what you have been told Record time, date and then sign Pass to Named Safeguarding Adult Officer immediately or as soon as possible Named Safeguarding Adult Officer will: Ensure the safety and welfare of the person who has disclosed the alleged abuse Report the alleged abuse to the police or social services care management team (within 24 hours) or emergency duty team Send alerter form to the relevant Safeguarding Adult Team and discuss with them the intention to implement the agencies disciplinary process if appropriate Consider a referral to POVA list Complete accident record if appropriate Liaise with family/other agencies etc as appropriate Consider Issues of consent The Warren recognises that it is important to act swiftly and to avoid delay in making a referral. Information on who to contact can be found via the Local Safeguarding Adults Teams/Board websites in Appendix A. 4.3. Consent and Capacity The Warren recognises the importance of gaining consent within its vulnerable adult policies and procedures. The types of consent within vulnerable adult’s procedures may include consent to an investigation and to information being shared. If a disclosure of alleged abuse is received The Warren will ensure that consent is gained to refer or report the incident. If an individual agrees to share information about them to others, they have given consent. However, if individuals do not consent, then on occasions this has to be accepted. Equally The Warren agree that there will be occasions where decisions not to consent can be overridden. It may be that sometimes an individual is not able to give informed consent because they lack capacity. Support and guidance on consent and capacity can be accessed by contacting the local Safeguarding Adults Board. 5. The Warren CODE OF PRACTICE Due to the nature of The Warren’s work with vulnerable adults, the following people are nominated as Safeguarding Adults Officers: Designated Officer: Janet Leonard Contact Tel: 01482 218115 Deputy Officer: JJ Tatten Contact Tel: 01482 218115 The Warren staff and trustees should be aware of new areas of knowledge concerning safeguarding practices dedicated to vulnerable adults and ensure they have received at least introductory/awareness raising training in safeguarding adults. The Warren is committed to minimising and preventing abuse and recognises the importance of safe recruitment policies and practices for paid staff, volunteers and trustees. It is important when recruiting paid staff and volunteers to adhere to The Warren’s recruitment policy. It is important to be robust in emphasising appropriate safeguarding measures when screening potential staff and volunteers to work with vulnerable adults. These will include: All paid staff and volunteers with access to vulnerable adults or with access to sensitive information will be required to undertake an enhanced DBS check with potential barred list check dependent upon role Staff and volunteers working with vulnerable adults will undertake Basic Awareness Safeguarding Adult training All staff to read and understand the Safeguarding Adult Policy and for this to be reviewed to ensure up-to-date knowledge Application forms for employment and for volunteer work to include details of previous employment, any convictions for criminal offences (including spent convictions), agreement for enhanced DBS checks, permission to contact two referees, including their current or most recent employer (which should be taken up.) The potential staff member/volunteer will be interviewed for their suitability for any vacant post Staff and volunteers will be subject to a probationary period (3-6 months) during which they will be supervised and overseen by a manager Staff and volunteers will have a period of induction where they will complete any induction training The Warren’s current model of meeting with the team, understanding roles and responsibilities and awareness of the current policies will be helpful in fulfilling this requirement. 5.1. Managing and Reviewing the Policy The Warren will ensure that the Safeguarding Adults policy and procedures are reviewed annually. The named Safeguarding Adults Officers will be involved in this process and can recommend any changes. The named Safeguarding Adults Officers will also ensure that any changes are clearly communicated to staff, volunteers and service users. 6. USEFUL INFORMATION 6.1. Disclosure and Barring Service[2] The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children. It replaces the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). DBS are responsible for: processing requests for criminal records checks deciding whether it is appropriate for a person to be placed on or removed from a barred list placing or removing people from the DBS children’s barred list and adults’ barred list for England, Wales and Northern Ireland ​ 6.2. DBS (formerly CRB) Checks ​ DBS search police records and, in relevant cases, barred list information, and then issue a DBS certificate to the applicant. DBS recognise that information released on DBS certificates can be extremely sensitive and personal. Therefore a code of practice for recipients of criminal record information has been developed to ensure that any information they get is handled fairly and used properly. A list of guidance documents about the DBS checking service is available on this website. For more information go to: ​ 6.3 Safeguarding Adults Boards Each Safeguarding Adults Board aims to: Co‐ordinate local work to safeguard and promote welfare of adults Develop policies and procedures for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults Participate in the planning of services Communicate the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults Focus on the core protection agenda of ‘working together on the prevention, identification, investigation and treatment of the abuse of vulnerable adults’. Additionally, they monitor the effectiveness of what is done to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults. Each Safeguarding Adults Board agrees to carry out its work in such a way as to improve the outcomes agreed in the White Paper (Our Health, Our Care, Our Say)[3] , particularly; ​ Outcome 5: Freedom from discrimination and harassment: equal access to services without hindrance from discrimination or prejudice; they feel safe and are safeguarded from harm. Outcome 7: Personal Dignity and Respect: not being subject to abuse. Keeping clean and comfortable, enjoying a clean and orderly environment. Availability of appropriate personal care. Each Safeguarding Adult Board supports the principles in the ‘Multi‐agency policy for each locality’ which includes: ​ Work toward meeting the standards in Safeguarding Adults (ADASS guidance 2005)[4] Implement recommendations in ‘No Secrets’(DOH 2000) Develop an outcomes framework based on these principles [3] Department of Health (2006). Our Health, Our Care, Our Say: A new direction for community services [4] ADASS (2005). Safeguarding Adults: A National Framework of Standards for good practice and outcomes in adult protection work, ‘Safeguarding Adults’ Network” 7. Prevent Duty From July 1st 2015 and as part of the Safeguarding and Prevent Duty all staff, contract providers and colleagues have a duty to demonstrate and help develop values which underpin an awareness of social and moral responsibility in modern Britain. The Prevent Strategy published by the Government in 2011, as part of the overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST, places a duty on certain bodies to give “due regard to reduce the threat to the UK by preventing people from being drawn into terrorism”. The Prevent Strategy has three specific objectives: Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism by ensuring they are giving appropriate advice and support; and Work in partnership where there are risks of radicalisation and extremism that need to be addressed The inclusion of sector-specific guidance sets out three themes: Leadership – ensure staff and contract delivery partners implement the duty effectively Working in partnership- prevent depends of effective collaboration of all concerned parties to demonstrate effective compliance Capabilities- ensure staff are provided with appropriate training for the implementation of the duty to exemplify British values in their general behaviours, supporting opportunities to learn, educate and challenge extremist ideas What is extremism? Extremism is defined as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.” British values – therefore are defined as “democracy” and refer to everyone being expected to encourage respect to other people, taking particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010. Further details can be found at: ​ Prevent support for Education & Training providers can also be found at: Risk Assessment Robust policies and procedures to identify risk must be in place to ensure that all sub- contractors are made aware of the Prevent Duty and are not inadvertently funding extremist organisations. “Channel” and the Referral Guidance Compliance with the duty requires all the concerned parties to undertake Prevent awareness training and any other training to be able to recognise vulnerability of those being potentially drawn into terrorism, and be aware of what action to take in response. This will include an understanding of when to make referrals to the “Channel” programme and where to access additional advice and support. Details can be found at: Humberside Channel Information Humberside Channel Referral Form ​ Appendix A It is important that all people responsible for Safeguarding Adults within their voluntary sector group or organisation, is aware of who to contact in case of making a referral or any other matter relating to keeping vulnerable adults safe. A wide range of information, including useful contacts, is available via the following websites, therefore all Voluntary Sector Safeguarding Adults Officers should familiarise themselves with their local Safeguarding Adults teams/boards by visiting the websites and keeping copies of useful information to hand. Local Safeguarding Adults Teams Contact Details The Safeguarding Adults Teams provide information and advice to the general public and health and social care professionals about abuse of vulnerable adults. It also provides a central team which receives referrals/alerters about suspected abuse and coordinates any investigation. Hull Safeguarding Adult Team Tel: 01482 300 300/616092 Out of hours: Tel 01482 300304,105040&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL Hull Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board ​ East Riding of Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Team Duty Team: 01482 861103 E-mail: East Riding Safeguarding Adults Board ​


    07455455851 01482 218115 Achieve ist ein Projekt der besonderen Art: junge Menschen beim Einstieg in Bildung, Beschäftigung, Ausbildung und mehr zu unterstützen. Wir bieten Hilfe beim Verfassen von Lebensläufen, Interviewfähigkeiten, kostenlose und finanzierte Kurse für bauen Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten, Informationen und Anleitungen und eine ganze Reihe von lustigen, spannenden Teambuilding-Aktivitäten aus, je nachdem was du machen möchtest. Achieve ist sich bewusst, dass COVID-19 für Sie stressig sein kann, daher setzen wir uns dafür ein, Ihnen bei der Suche nach einem Arbeitsplatz oder einer Ausbildung so zu helfen, dass Sie der aktuellen Situation entsprechend sicher sind. Derzeit können Sie in diesen schwierigen Zeiten remote mit uns zusammenarbeiten. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns unter: Direktwahl 01482 219357 oder @achieveprojecthull @achieveprojecthull NEWS Es ist uns sehr wichtig, dass die jungen Leute, die wir unterstützen, jede Möglichkeit haben, uns mitzuteilen, was sie wirklich von unseren Dienstleistungen halten und was The Warren für sie bedeutet. Jodie Langford war eine der jungen Leute, die durch unser YEI-finanziertes Achieve Project gekommen sind – sie hat dieses Stück geschrieben und aufgeführt, um uns zu erzählen, wie sie zu diesem Projekt und The Warren selbst steht. REFERENZEN Ohne Leistung wäre ich nicht so weit gekommen wie ich es jetzt mache, ihr habt mir jeden Tag so viel geholfen, egal welche Mitarbeiter ihr seid ihr seid alle da, ihr alles Gute!! Wenn ich mehr Sterne geben könnte, würde ich es tun. Hatte heute Morgen ein Treffen mit Gemma und sie tut wirklich alles, um zu helfen. Tolles Team und ein fantastischer Service. Würde 100% empfehlen. Dank der Hilfe des Achieve-Teams habe ich jetzt einen Job als Teil des Management-Teams bei einer der größten Pub-Ketten Großbritanniens, ich kann Ihnen nie genug danken. Wirklich hilfsbereites Team, mit dem man immer gut reden konnte und an mich geglaubt hat, wenn ich nicht an mich selbst geglaubt habe. Danke schön! Lesen Sie mehr oder hinterlassen Sie selbst eine Bewertung


    Hallo… Ich bin Maggie, Komplementärtherapeutin bei The Warren. Wenn das Chaos der Welt zu laut oder zu schwer auf deinen Schultern wird, helfe ich dir, Frieden und Ruhe zu finden. ich biete a ganzheitlicher Ansatz für die Jugend des Warren, umfassend einige Entspannungs- und Achtsamkeitstechniken, Massagetherapie, Reiki, Reflexzonenmassage und neuerdings auch Klangbäder mit tibetischen Klangschalen. Diese Therapien helfen, Körper und Geist zu beruhigen und zu beruhigen …. warum probierst du nicht einen davon? Massage wirkt, indem sie auf Nervenzellrezeptoren unter der Haut drückt, das Nervensystem aktiviert und die Freisetzung von stimmungsaufhellenden Chemikalien wie Dopamin oder Serotonin stimuliert. Massage auch ​ stimuliert die Freisetzung natürlicher Endorphine, erzeugt ein natürliches High und lindert den Körper von jeglichen Schmerzen sowie Erstellen beruhigende Wirkung durch die Stimulation des Parasympathikus und reduziert die Stresshormone Cortisol und Adrenalin , die beide in Stresszeiten normalerweise hoch sind. Die Reflexzonenmassage basiert auf der Idee, dass verschiedene Punkte an Ihren Füßen und Händen über Ihr Nervensystem mit anderen Teilen Ihres Körpers verbunden sind. Bei einer Reflexzonenmassage wird sanfter Druck auf diese Punkte ausgeübt, um Verspannungen zu lösen, die Stimmung zu verbessern und Ihnen beim Einschlafen zu helfen. Reiki ist eine japanische Technik, bei der die Hände auf verschiedene Bereiche des Körpers gelegt werden, einschließlich Kopf, Bauch und Füße. Es basiert auf der Idee, dass wir Wirbel oder Energieräder haben, die sich ständig in unserem Körper drehen und wenn es uns schlecht geht, sei es physisch, psychisch, emotional oder spirituell, werden diese Energieräder aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten. Reiki hilft, diese Räder wieder in Einklang zu bringen und unseren Körper und Geist ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Klangbaden ist die Praxis, tief in die Klänge und Schwingungen der tibetischen Klangschalen einzutauchen. Erleben ein Klangbad ist ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz zur Entspannung und Heilung. Es kann eine perfekte Flucht vor dem modernen Stress des Lebens sein. . Klang hat einen großen Einfluss auf unsere Emotionen und unsere Gesundheit und kann uns glücklich und energiegeladen machen und entspannt. Video abspielen Video abspielen 02:46 The Warren - How To Beat The Corona Virus Stress! (Part 1) We know this is a stressful time for everybody - so we asked The Warren’s brilliant massage therapist (Maggie) to give you some tips on how to relax and get some headspace. This is the first of several videos that we’ll be releasing in the coming days to help you cope with what’s going on and have better mental health! If you need food parcels, or counselling or advice - just ring us on 01482 218115 Stay strong - we’re with you ALL THE WAY! 💪 #coronavirus #copingtechniques #relaxation Video abspielen Video abspielen 01:55 The Warren - How To Beat The Corona Virus Stress! (Part 2) In the second of The Warren’s therapeutic films to help young people cope with the stresses of the CoronaVirus Crisis, our wonderful complimentary therapist (Maggie) talks about how to use Mindfulness and Meditation. We’ll be releasing more in the coming days to help you cope with what’s going on and have better mental health! If you need food parcels, or counselling or advice - just ring us on 01482 218115 Stay strong - we’re with you ALL THE WAY! 💪 #coronavirus #copingtechniques #relaxation Video abspielen Video abspielen 01:23 The Warren - How To Beat The Corona Virus Stress! (Part 3) Our third clip from Maggie shows us how to relax by reducing muscle tension and lowering stress levels. Using this technique along with the other techniques that Maggie has explained in previous clips will really help with coping! Maybe not every technique will work for you (maybe they will!) but it’s important to keep trying and make it part of your daily routine. Lots more to come! #coronavirus #copingtechniques #relaxation Video abspielen Video abspielen 08:05 A Simple Hand & Arm Massage Tutorial Video abspielen Video abspielen 04:30 Why I Use Essential Oils - The Power Of Aroma Video abspielen Video abspielen 03:06 Mindfulness Technique With Objects Video abspielen Video abspielen 03:31 Mindfulness Technique With Food


    SEITE BESUCHEN Das 1983 gegründete Warren Youth Project bietet jungen Menschen in Hull wichtige Unterstützungsdienste. Sie finden uns gegenüber dem BBC-Gebäude und dem Rosebowl-Brunnen in Queens Gardens. Unser 24-köpfiges Team bietet jungen Menschen im Alter von 14 bis 25 Jahren (29 Jahre nach Vereinbarung im Fall von Beschäftigungsfähigkeitsförderung) kostenlose Unterstützung, Beratung, Ausbildung, Bildung, Beratung, Beschäftigungsfähigkeitskompetenzen/-training und Aktivitäten und Dienstleistungen zum kreativen Ausdruck an. The Warren schätzt seine Beziehungen zu jungen Menschen – wir wissen, dass sie unglaublich einfallsreich sind und mit Unterstützung letztendlich darauf vertrauen können, dass sie ihr eigenes Leben am besten kennen. Wir tun dies, indem wir sicherstellen, dass unsere Politik der Ermächtigung im Mittelpunkt unserer Arbeitspraxis steht und junge Menschen anschließend mit den notwendigen Lebenskompetenzen ausstattet, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Um dies erfolgreich zu tun, bedarf es einer Umgebung, in der junge Menschen so sein können, wie sie sind, ohne sich beurteilt zu fühlen. Wir glauben, dass wir diesen Ort bei The Warren schaffen. Sehen Sie sich das Warren an Philosophie hier. RECENT PROJECTS ICH VERMISSE ES NEUE SINGLE VON JODIE LANGFORD! Warren Records ist zurück mit der neuesten Veröffentlichung von Jodie Langford! Mit Unterstützung der PRS Foundation, Youth Music und unserem hauseigenen Produzenten. HÖR JETZT ZU KENNE DEINEN FLOW VIDEOREIHE ÜBER PERIODEN Eine wöchentliche Videoserie, in der wir mit Experten und Aktivisten ausführliche Diskussionen zu allen Themen rund um Periode und Menstruation führen. SCHAU JETZT HULLIN' ES ZUSAMMEN RUMPFWANDERROUTEN Junge Leute haben fünf interaktive Karten von Wanderrouten rund um Hull erstellt, die interessieren, inspirieren und anderen Menschen ermöglichen, herauszufinden, was Hull zu bieten hat! LERN MEHR Kontaktiere uns Vorname Nachname Email Telefon Nachricht einreichen Danke fürs Einreichen! ​ Ohne unsere Förderer und all die Einzelspender hätten wir all dies nicht geschafft.


    SCOTT - TIPPS FÜR DIE MUSIKPRODUKTION & MEHR WORKSHOPS Der lokale Produzent, DJ und hauseigene Warren-Studiomitarbeiter SCOTT (AKA Endoflevelbaddie) stellt eine ausgewählte Auswahl an hausgemachten Workshops, Online-Ressourcen, kostenloser Software und allgemeinen Top-Tipps zusammen, um Ihre kreativen Säfte während dieser Corona-Virus-Krise am Laufen zu halten. WORKSHOP-FOLGEN NÜTZLICHE LINKS UND TOP-TIPPS 1. Schnellere Ergebnisse erzielen: Ein Video, das Ihnen hilft, aus grundlegenden Ideen fertige Projekte zu machen, die Dinge einfach zu halten und die Produktivität zu maximieren. Bezieht sich hauptsächlich auf DAWs und Ableton, ist aber auf die meisten kreativen Prozesse anwendbar. Einen Blick wert! 2. Greifen Sie zu! Es gibt nichts Schöneres, als Ihren Produktionen etwas Live-Kontrolle hinzuzufügen, und ich finde, es hilft, den Schreibprozess sehr zu beschleunigen, wenn Sie etwas taktiles haben, das Sie bei der Generierung von Ideen und der Gestaltung von Sounds unterstützt. Sie brauchen nicht einen ganzen Haufen teurer Ausrüstung, um loszulegen, also ist hier ein kurzes Video, das ich gefunden habe, in dem ich mir preisgünstige Tastaturen und Controller anschaue, die die Bank nicht sprengen werden! 3. Mehr kostenlose Sachen! Wenn Sie ein IOS-Gerät haben, müssen Sie sich dieses schnell zulegen, da es derzeit kostenlos ist. Die netten Leute im Moog HQ lassen Sie Ihre Ziffern über diese exzellente Softwareversion eines ihrer ikonischen Synthesizer übertragen. Mach es jetzt!! ANMELDEN AMPED WORKSHOPS Video abspielen Video abspielen 04:18 Mac Attack/ Laptop Attack - Case Study - Preview Video abspielen Video abspielen 01:23 Sparking Change on the Issue of E-Waste - The Curve A short dive into our Mac/Laptop Attack projects within The Curve Video abspielen Video abspielen 04:46 TEKATAK - Development Journey As part of its digital hub The Curve, TEKATAK is a laptop-repair workshop that will entail young people completing an internationally recognised essential digital skills certificate and participating in e-waste awareness events. These will include donation stations where peoples can deposit electronic items they no longer need so they can be repaired by the participants. The Curve aims to support 120 young people aged 16 to 25 and prevent over 160kg of old technology from entering landfill. Video abspielen Video abspielen 01:08 AMPED - Creative Opportunities in Hull An alternative approach to learning... Be creative, build confidence, join the Amped team today. Amped supports the next generation of creatives by channelling their ideas and organising projects to be used as a platform to kick start their career into any industry. Our team of professionals will teach you specific skills in your area of interest to help build confidence and empower you to create, achieve and succeed! WANT TO MAKE SOCIAL MEDIA MORE THAN A HOBBY? INTERESTED IN MUSIC BUT DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START? LOOKING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ART OR GRAPHIC DESIGN? MAYBE WRITING IS YOUR PASSION? WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORGANISE A LOCAL EVENT? CONTACT US: 01482 218115 #GetAmped #Hull #CreativeIndustries Amped are aware that COVID-19 may be stressful for you, so we are committed to helping you to develop skills, for employment or education, in a way which keeps you safe during the current situation. At present, you can work with us remotely during these difficult times. Video abspielen Video abspielen 03:11 SCOTT - Free Software With Baddie - Korg Kaossilator App Korg have kindly offered up their amazing app for free for a limited period of time to help you stave off boredom and keep creativity thriving during this strange time. Scott gives you a quick rundown of its features. You can download the app from the android or iPhone app stores or from their website. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 06:44 ELLE - Singing Warm Ups (Part One) - Mmm, Moo, May, Mar If you have been having singing lessons with me at The Warren through Amped, here is the first vocal warm up we do every session. If you’re a beginner, you can join in and learn a new skill! Warm up exercises are amazing to get into your singing tool kit; whenever you are about to sing, you know exactly what you need to do to warm up quickly and efficiently. It also allows you to explore your range and build up your technique. This exercise is Hum/ Moo/ May/ Mar. It’s a great one to start with as it’s not too high and starts on a hum, preparing your voice to sing. Happy Singing! I’d love to hear from you! Leave your comments below or email me directly at CHECK OUT ELLE'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 07:37 FAY - Intro to Spoken Word What is Spoken Word? Who is it for and where did it come from? Why does it matter to me? I'll be answering all this and more in just a few short minutes, in my quick overview of spoken word as an art form. Find out what you can write about, how you can start doing your own spoken word pieces and who you should be listening to in the UK scene. I'll also be showing you an extract from local Spoken Word Artist, Jodie Langford. Time to get inspired and get involved! CHECK OUT FAY'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 04:28 ROBBIE - Dirty Pop by NSYNC Drum Cover For my first webisode I thought i'd share something a bit entertaining with you all! I hope it helps with the boredom that comes with being stuck at home 24/7 and gives you an insight into my drumming abilities! Stay tuned for some drum lessons as well as workshops on graphic design, photography, social media and much more, but for now ENJOY! Original Music: NSYNC - Dirty Pop CHECK OUT ROBBIE'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 03:11 SCOTT - Free Software With Baddie - Korg Kaossilator App Korg have kindly offered up their amazing app for free for a limited period of time to help you stave off boredom and keep creativity thriving during this strange time. Scott gives you a quick rundown of its features. You can download the app from the android or iPhone app stores or from their website. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 03:25 SCOTT - Ableton with Baddie - 3 Top Tips Scott (Endoflevelbaddie) gives a brief tutorial on a few simple tips that save you a few seconds here and there so you can get creating and generating ideas quicker. Although these are demonstrated in Ableton, you may be able to apply these quick tips to your particular DAW of choice. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 03:32 SCOTT - The Creative Process - Interview With Steve Cobby The first in a series of short videos where SCOTT (aka Endoflevelbaddie) asks a few questions to a variety of musicians, producers and artists about their creative process, how ideas are generated and what happens if or when they dry up! This video features Steve Cobby, a stalwart of the local music scene, incredibly talented musician, producer, DJ, label owner and a generally really nice bloke. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 03:08 SCOTT - The Creative Process - Interview With Rhys (AKA MUSHTIFA) The second in a series of short videos where SCOTT AKA Endoflevelbaddie asks a few questions to a variety of musicians, producers and artists about their creative process, how ideas are generated and what happens if or when they dry up! This video features Rhys Covell AKA Mushtifa, a local DJ, rapper, producer and promoter. Check out what he has to say. RHYS SOCIALS: CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 05:02 SCOTT - Ableton With Baddie - Making Beats with Everyday Objects Another video from Endoflevelbaddie harnessing the power of staying inside by recording sounds from random stuff in his studio. Then, using Ableton and a few basic stock plugins, he arranges a groovy little beast of a beat proving you don't need tons of sample packs, amazing mics or loads of fancy plugins to get your ideas flowing. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: JOIN THE AMPED FACEBOOK GROUP: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 03:52 SCOTT - The Creative Process Interview With Chiedu Oraka The third in a series of short videos where Scott (AKA Endoflevelbaddie) ask's a few questions to a variety of musicians, producers and artists about their creative process, how ideas are generated and what happens if or when they dry up! This video features a Warren alumni, Chiedu Oraka, one of the hardest working rappers/grime artists in the city. Have a gander and see what he has to say. CHIEDU ORAKA SOCIALS: CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: JOIN THE AMPED FACEBOOK GROUP: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 07:30 SCOTT - Midi Mapping in Ableton Scott (AKA Endoflevelbaddie) looks at how simply getting hands on with computer based software and a cheap controller can add that human touch that is often missing when using a mouse to draw in details and move things around on a screen. It allows sounds to be shaped in a much more fluid and organic way with natural movements and simple emotional expression that fit the vibe of the track. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: JOIN THE AMPED FACEBOOK GROUP: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you Video abspielen Video abspielen 06:29 SCOTT - 5 Top Tips For Music Production In this video Baddie keeps it short and sweet with 5 tips that he has adopted that help speed up his workflow, help shape sounds and create a better sounding production. There is always a different way to do something and these might help steer you in a different direction. CHECK OUT SCOTT'S PAGE HERE: JOIN THE AMPED FACEBOOK GROUP: THE WARREN YOUTH PROJECT: FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - We hope you’re all keeping safe and looking out for each other. We are still here for you doing almost everything we usually do - just in a different way. We are now operating 1. A phone-based Counselling Service; 2. A phone-based General Support Service; 3. A Food Parcel Delivery Service. If you need any of the above or for more information please call us on 01482 218115. Thank you ELLE FAY ROBBIE RYAN DAS WARREN JUGENDPROJEKT: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER YOUTUBE

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